
Village Hall

Coronation & Boundary Walk

Message from Bob Stanton,  Village Hall Committee:

Hi Everyone!

We have raised over £1,860 from both the Boundary Walk on 14 May and the Coronation Party held at the Village Hall on 7 May! A fabulous total – many, many thanks to everyone involved.

Here’s the breakdown:

Coronation Party                                   £

Raffle Tickets Sales                              1,090.00

Pinky and Ralf’s Bar                                350.43

Human Fruit Machine                              59.00

Face Painting                                              52.80

Misc. online Payments (QR codes)         32.22

Donation                                                      35.00

                                                Total      1,619.45

Boundary Walk

Raffle                                                           158.00

Bar Takings                                                  91.00

                                                Total        249.00

                                  Grand Total     1,868.45


There are so many people the Village Hall Committee would like to thank, who gave their time and helped with all the arrangements. However, I personally would like to thank Stuart and Julie Anger for their generosity in donating the Raffle and Bar Takings from the meal after the Boundary Walk, and Amanda Johnson, Karen Sawyer, Bella Donnelly, Clare Northen, Pinky Laing and Ralf Holighaus and the incredible team who planned the event, pounded the village streets selling raffle tickets, decorated and organised the hall, manned the bar and the games, and basically made sure the event ran successfully for both those who could attend on the day, and those who could not attend in person and to whom we delivered gift boxes.

I would also like to thank the Parish Council for their £200 donation, and those villagers who privately donated £140 to cover most of the costs associated with buying the ingredients for the wealth of cakes, biscuits and savouries available in the hall during the day.  Last but not least, thank you to David Parker-Woolway for the aerial group photo at the end of the event.

If I have not mentioned your name specifically, then please accept my apologies, and accept my sincere thanks for these two fund-raising events that speak volumes for the very special nature of the Bourton community.

Finally, many thanks for the recent suggestions for events that the Village Hall could put on in the future. The VH AGM and the Parish Council Assembly are happening this Wednesday 24 May, starting at 7 pm. Come along and have your say!

Kind regards

Bob Stanton

BVH Treasurer