This year's boundary walk - Saturday 4...
Boundary walk
Village Hall
Coronation & Boundary Walk Message from Bob Stanton, Village Hall Committee: Hi Everyone! We have raised over £1,860 from both the Boundary Walk on 14 May and the Coronation Party held at...
Boundary Walk
Message from Julie & Stuart...
Boundary Walk
17th Bourton Boundary Walk - 14...
Boundary Walk
16th Bourton boundary walk This year's boundary walk will be held on Sunday 22 May - rogation Sunday. Please assemble at the pin from 8:45am for a 9:00 start. Everyone is welcome to help "beat...
Bourton Boundary Walk
Bourton Parish Boundary Walk Due to Coronavirus, our boundary walk originally scheduled for 17 May has been cancelled. Wishing you all well, and stay safe. Julie, Vanessa and...
Lost tablecloths!
Do you have the village hall's tablecloths? Does anyone know the whereabouts of the tablecloths from the village hall? If you have them please drop them back at the hall or bring them on the...
Boundary walk
It's the 15th annual parish boundary walk... See below for details of this year's...
Boundary walk – correction
Oops! Corrected telephone number for Julie: Please let Julie know if you're coming to the walk on Sunday to help with planning the catering. She can be contacted on 784023...
Boundary Walk…
...and another thing: Please let Julie know if you're coming to the walk on Sunday to help with planning the catering. She can be contacted on 78034 784023...