Latest Newsletter Attached is the latest newsletter from Thames Valley Police regarding their Community Speedwatch scheme. CSW newsletter 6...
Bin Collection
Revised Collection Day FYI: the next bin collection day is Tuesday, for green & brown...
Remembrance Service
Sunday's Remembrance Bourton’s Remembrance Service will be held at The Pin this coming Sunday, 10 November, at 12...
West Vale Mobility
West Vale Mobility starts its service next...
The White Horse Show
White Horse Show: Bank Holiday...
West Vale Mobility
West Vale Mobility (WVM) – an update Villagers may recall that WVM was set up earlier in the year as a charity to operate a wheelchair accessible vehicle for taking local residents – those...
Minor Injury Units & GP Out of Hours Depts – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
GP Out of Hours Service Here's a leaflet about accessing the GP out of hours service..... OH 025.23 - MIU - I am feeling...
Local Elections
Get ready to vote in the Police and Crime Commissioner Election The following message is from the District council. The polling station for Bourtineers is the village hall, open from 07:00 to...
Boundary Walk
This year's boundary walk - Saturday 4...
Vale of White Horse District Council
Garden Waste Collections Residents who are subscribed to the district council brown bin garden waste service in South Oxfordshire or the Vale of White Horse can have extra garden waste collected for...