Bourton Conservation Area
What is a conservation area?
A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest. The designation is used to help preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the area, in our case the village of Bourton and some of the surrounding area.
Bourton has been designated a conservation area since 1971. The village went through another appraisal forty years later when the boundary of the conservation area was expanded to include more of the village and its surrounding areas.
You can read the report from the 2011 appraisal here
What are the effects of the conservation area designation?
Conservation area designation is the means of recognising and protecting all the features that contribute towards the special character or appearance of the conservation area. The following extra controls to changes and development apply in conservation areas; these are set out in more detail in the appraisal report.
- Preservation and enhancement of the character and appearance of the area;
- Control over demolition;
- Trees – consent required to top, lop or fell a tree over 75mm (3in) in diameter;
- Power to seek repair of unoccupied buildings;
- Reduced permitted development rights (e.g. dormer windows);
- Planning applications to include the impact on the character of the area;
- Controls over new development;
- Repairs and maintenance should be sympathetic to the character of the area, and
- Designation or alteration of conservation area is subject to local consultation.