Christmas @ Bourton Village Hall
As the festive season approaches, make sure you’ve got these Village Hall event dates in the diary:
Friday 25th November: Bourton Early Christmas Quiz
Time: 6.30 for 7pm
From Christmas songs and movies to Rudolph, Santa and festive traditions – test your Christmas trivia knowledge and join us for a fun evening of family festive quizzing with supper provided. Children and unaccompanied adults welcome! Teams of 6-8 but we will make teams up on the night where needed so this is a great chance to meet new people or have a fun evening with some familiar faces. More details to follow shortly.
Sunday 18th December: A Christmas Celebration
Time: 5pm – 6.30pm
Mince pies, mulled wine, music and seasonal merriment – put on your festive finery and get ready for carol singing, mini Christmas concert and festive raffle for a celebration of Christmas @ Bourton Village Hall. Fun for all the family – free entry and donations welcome on the door. If you have a child/teenager who might like to join a very informal village choir to sing a couple of Christmas songs, please email Fiona on