Christmas Celebrations at St James’s
Christmas is coming, and although we can’t celebrate in the usual way, we’re pleased to share with you our plans for Christmas at St James.
Our December Services :
Saturday 5th December @ 10am – Family Advent Service including lighting of our Advent wreath. You will also get to meet Paul Richardson who is our new Associate Vicar.
Sunday 20th December @ 10am – Christmas Holy Communion service
Thursday 24th December @ 3pm – Family Crib Service
This will be a ticketed event, as social distancing limits numbers. Please email us at to request tickets. If we are over subscribed we will hold another service at 4pm.
Keeping the Christmas Spirit Alive :
To keep the community spirit alive during the festive period, and because we can’t hold our traditional Christmas Communion service, we’d like to invite you all to send in a festive picture of you and your family and pets in Christmas Spirit along with your Christmas message to the village. We’ll be pulling them together into a video to share with you complete with a special message from Revd Fergusson. Please send your pictures and words to
Light a Candle for your Loved Ones
At a time when we can’t see our loved ones, lighting a candle and saying a prayer in a way of feeling close to them. From 20th December the church will be open for private prayer and you can come in and ‘light a candle’. The candles will actually be battery operated tea lights, so we don’t burn the place down! We hope you’ll feel able to give a small donation to cover the cost of the tea light and help with our ongoing efforts to raise funds for the church. You can donate by texting GIVEfive to 70470 to give £5.
We look forward to celebrating Christmas will you all.
Sarah & Amanda (Churchwardens)