
Shrivenham & Ashbury Benefice

Prayer Meeting


Pentecost “Come Holy Spirit” Prayer Meeting 

On Saturday 30th May at 5:45 pm – Zoom conferencing

On Saturday 30th May we are inviting the churches of the Shrivenham & Ashbury Benefice and beyond to join us at a Prayer Meeting to thank God for sending the Holy Spirit.  We will be worshipping, reading scripture, and of course praying, including a time to invite the Holy Spirit into our lives.

The Zoom link to the meeting is below. Please forward the link to anyone you think would like to join us.

With Blessings,

Jane and David Ahern

David Ahern

Tel: 07983 630655

You are invited to attend:

Come Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting

Time: Saturday, 30th May, 2020 at 5:45 pm


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 6718 2082

Password: 215268