Weekly Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
Please find attached next week’s Newsletter, the Bible Readings for Sunday 7th April and ‘Look’, the Sunday sheet for children.
And also…..
A message from David Watson concerning Norma and Richard’s retirement
I expect you will already know that Norma and Richard are retiring in May and will be leaving the area. Their last service will be a Benefice communion in St Andrew’s Shrivenham on Sunday 19th May at 10:30 and this will be followed by a bring and share lunch in the church to which everyone is welcome. If you are intending to bring something for the lunch can you please contact Jane Venables 01793 630737 or Pip Dudley 01793 783481 just to ensure we have a ‘spread’ of different food.
The current thinking is that as a Benefice we get them a Mantel/Carriage Clock as well as a framed map of the Benefice area which I know is something they collect from previous places they have lived. If you would like to make a contribution towards these gifts donations can be made to:
Lloyds Bank – St Andrew’s Restoration Fund
Sort code: 77-29-18
A/c no: 40594068
We will use this account as a collection point or you can make a donation by cheque to me or by cash in an envelope and given to a churchwarden or pop it through my door…7 Claypits Lane Shrivenham.
The advert for our new Incumbent has been published in the Church Times and on the Diocese website.
If you would like to look at our Benefice Profile it can be found on the home page of the Benefice website.
If you have any questions please do get in touch.
David Watson
01793 783405
Lucy Laird
Benefice Administrator
01793 783519