Weekly Newsletter
The following message is from the benefice administrator
Hello Everyone,
Please find attached next week’s Newsletter and the Bible Readings for Sunday 7th June. I’ve also attached ‘Look’ – a Sunday sheet for children between 4-9 years old providing activities and games focussed on this week’s Gospel.
A Reminder
You don’t need to set up a Facebook or YouTube account to join in!
A ‘How To’ guide can be downloaded from the services page on our website, or telephone me for advice.
The Archbishop of York, Dr Sentamu, will perform his final duties in office on Trinity Sunday, preaching during a national online service, to be broadcast at 9 a.m. His wife, the Revd Margaret Sentamu, will lead the intercessions. At 8 a.m. on the same day, Dr Sentamu will reflect on the trials that he has faced — including living under the regime of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin and surviving cancer — in a special broadcast on BBC local radio stations.
Best wishes,
Lucy Laird
Benefice Administrator
01793 783519