Bourton Almshouses are looking for a new trustee
The Bourton Almshouse Trust is looking to co-opt a resident of Bourton to sit on the committee of the Almshouses to assist, with the other five Trustees, in the business of the Trust in accordance with the Trust deed. The Trust manages six Almshouses, which are situated at the top of Silver Street in Bourton. The function of the committee is to ensure the properties are maintained to a high standard for occupation by beneficiaries/tenants, to appoint beneficiaries/tenants as vacancies arise and ensure they look after the properties assigned to them.
Meetings take place approximately three times a year normally at Pinewood School.
There are six Trustees one being the Headmaster of Pinewood School, another the Vicar of the Parish of Bourton, three Trustees appointed by Bourton Parish Council and a co-opted Trustee, the current vacancy to be filled.
If there is anyone out there interested in becoming a Trustee you can contact Richard Elson on 01793 783473 or his mobile 0781673917 for further information.
Alternatively, you can contact the following Trustees: –
Neal Bailey Headmaster Pinewood School on 01793 7825514 or 07799530522.
Rev Norma Fergusson on 01793 784338 or 07799545035.
Paul Beech on 01793 780279 or 07393 834352.