
Shrivenham & Ashbury Benefice

Weekly Newsletter & Blind Auction

Message from the benefice administrator:

Hello Everyone,

Please find attached next week’s Newsletter and the Bible Readings for Sunday 15th November.

I’ve also attached ‘Look’ – a Sunday sheet for children between 4-9 years old providing activities and games focussed on this week’s Gospel.

Newsletter 15 Nov

The catalogue and bidding form for the Ashbury Silent Auction are attached…

Auction Catalogue (3)



And a reminder:

Cafe Inspire is still active. Although we are not able to meet on the second Saturday of the month in real time, we have plans for a “virtual” gathering.


We invite all of you – adults and children – to either write a short summary, a poem or draw/paint a picture using the subject of “Dreams”; past, present, future.

Email your contribution to Richard Ferguson at or post through the vicarage letterbox in Shrivenham by Thursday 14th November.

The next “zoom” Cafe Inspire is on Saturday 14th November (details will be posted later) and many of the contributions will be shown. It can be done anonymously if you prefer. Every entry will receive a small memento. We look forward to meeting up again on the 14th, but sadly no bacon butties or cake unless you make your own at home!

Best wishes,

Lucy Laird
Benefice Administrator
01793 783519