Save the date!
Ride and Stride
Saturday 12 September
With all the exercise that you’ve been doing during lockdown, you’ll be keen to take part in this year’s Ride and Stride and show off your new fitness levels! Please keep the day free to enjoy a fun cycle, walk or horse ride in the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside, while raising much needed funds for St. James’ Church.
Read more at the Ride + Stride website here
A message from OHCT
‘Last September, our loyal Ride and Striders raised £112,000 – up 13% on 2018, and it is important for our work that we continue to aim high in this annual fundraiser. Since Ride and Stride is essentially an outdoor activity, we fully expect that it will go ahead, though most probably in a simplified way. We shall send out our publicity later than usual to reflect the changes to the administration and procedures, but all those who can take part should please mark the date now and keep it free. Ride and Stride will bring some welcome variety amidst what may remain of the pandemic restrictions’.