The Parish Council (PC) is required to prepare and publish these documents following the end of each financial year. They comprise five main sections:
Certificate of Exemption
Small parish councils are exempt from a detailed annual audit by an external auditor. The definition of a ‘small’ council is annual gross income of less than £25,000; Bourton PC’s annual income falls well within this threshold. This form confirms the PC’s annual income and its exemption from an external audit.
Annual Internal Audit Report
Although exempt from an external audit, the PC’s affairs are still subject to an internal audit by a qualified individual independent of the PC. This is the auditor’s summary report.
Annual Governance Statement
This form deals with the standard of internal controls and general governance standards within the PC throughout the year.
Accounting Statements
This is the summary financial report for the PC for the financial year. It also includes commentary on any significant variances from the previous year’s financial results and a balance sheet reconciliation with bank accounts.
Notice of Public Rights
This notice sets out the rights of local electors to review and query the PC’s statutory returns, including the contact details of the internal auditor.