
Coronavirus – Support Group

Bourton Support Group

These are difficult times and if you’re shielding or self-isolating either now or in the coming weeks/months and need a helping hand, don’t worry, there are people in the village who can help.  There are several ways to find out more information about what’s happening here in Bourton and stay connected to the local community:

The village website

You can sign up to the village e-newsletter via the website to receive updates about village news by email.  Just use the ‘Join our newsletter’ box at the bottom of the main page.

There is also a village email group – contact to be added.

We have a very active WhatsApp group for social chat and seeking/offering help – contact Fiona on 07971 246870 to be added.

Our Facebook page is called Bourton Oxon

There are a number of people in the village who are volunteering to be available to those who might need a helping hand – be it picking up groceries or collecting medication for example – a village community support group if you like.

The contact details of the village volunteers are listed below.

Please feel free to get in touch with any of the volunteers at any time should you need to. They will either be able to help you, or arrange for somebody else to help instead.

In conjunction with Bourton Parish Council

We trust that all villagers in possession of these contact details will respect the purpose for which they are intended