Supermarket opening times
We have added a specific Coronavirus information page on the main menu of the website that will show any information and links that may be helpful at this time. Please drop me a line ( to share any further info you might have or if there’s something you would like to see added.
Fiona has kindly summarised below the current opening times and arrangements for the local supermarkets, as at 23 March:
Aldi Faringdon
Mon-Sat 8am-8pm
Sun 10am-4pm
No special provision for elderly/vulnerable/carers/NHS staff
Tesco Faringdon
Mon-Sat 7am-10pm
Sun 10am-4pm
Reserved time for NHS staff Sun 9am-10am
Sainsbury’s Stratton St Margaret
Mon-Sat 8am-8pm
Sun 10.30am-4.30pm
Reserved time for elderly/disabled/carers Mon/Wed/Fri 8am-9am
Reserved time for NHS staff/social care workers Mon-Sat 7.30-8 NHS/social care workers
Call 0800 328 1700 to register for priority delivery/Click & Collect slots if 70+/vulnerable/disabled
Mon-Sat 7am-9pm
Sun 10am-4pm
Reserved time for elderly/vulnerable 7am-8am